Agriculture and farm productivity are critically related to the availability of quality seeds, modern technologies, and pesticides with their responsible use and improved effectiveness. Agricultural extension services are crucial and can play an important role in the better productivity of agriculture through proper research and development. The private sector’s role is equally important. The responsibilities and tasks of extension services have to be holistic and mutually beneficial and meaningful for the extension agents and the farmers. To make it proper and effective, the government should devise policies to ensure that the marketing of crop protection products, modern technologies, and quality seeds ties up with the essential and required technical resources. The government and extension department’s role is to provide the latest research and technologies to the farmers with effective and strong awareness programs. Similarly, providing new genetically engineered crop products to the market is another challenging and long-term task for the extension services department. Unless the biotech products, quality seeds, fertilisers and pesticides are backed by the required services to the farmers, the real benefits and fruits of Research and Development (R&D) in achieving agricultural sustainability and productivity in the country are not possible. This required a real challenge in the current practices and regulations. The agricultural department needs to promote the real benefits of the modern technologies, their responsible use as well as sound and regulatory frameworks in support of long-term sustainable agriculture in the country with proper research and development(R&D). Promoting sustainable agriculture is necessary for the needs of a growing world for food, feed, and fibre. Fertilizers and pesticides are important components in growing the high-quality and nutritious food that we eat on daily basis. They also contribute to human health, ecological diversity, sustainable growing practices, and better environment and climate change. We need to advocate for and promote policies for the responsible use of safe and environmentally sound crop protection products that are essential in the production of crops, fibre, and food. Government, especially the agriculture department, needs to focus on farm fieldwork, advocacy, and engagement with the regulatory bodies and communications outreach. There is a dire need to increase awareness and advance policy that highlights how crop protection products protect public and environmental health while helping meet food security needs to solve export challenges of agricultural commodities. With the help of modern agricultural practices, tools, and modern technologies, each farmer can produce more food to nourish the public in the country. Modern technology and practices help farmers to apply crop protection products, treated seeds help and support the growth of crops in dry and harsh weather conditions. The latest trends and advances in modern agriculture help and supports farmers, protect, and improve the health of consumers and create a more sustainable environment for future generations of growers. Plant science is the responsible and ethical management of crop protection and biotechnology products from the research and development to their use and the final disposal of any waste. We need to support all farming practices that help grow safe and healthy food for communities in the country. Despite challenges and issues, with the help of the assistance of innovative crop protection and Biotechnology tools and practices, our farmers can grow more food for more people in the country. We need to focus on continued innovation and improvement, the crop protection sector creates sustainable solutions that help farmers protect valuable resources and increase the food security needs of the nation and Society. The process, leading to the discovery, research, development, and commercialization of new agrochemical molecules, is time-consuming, costly, and complex. Though innovative, modern agricultural tools and practices, such as the use of crop protection tools and seeds, Pakistan’s agriculture continues to significantly contribute to our country’s economy and food security. We need to focus and advocate for a functional and science-based regulatory framework to facilitate a stable and safe food supply, improved productivity, and innovations. Empowering farmers through training on the responsible use of crop protection products improves crop yields while safeguarding natural resources. Skilled farmers earn higher incomes and enjoy better living standards. Promoting sustainable agriculture is necessary for the needs of a growing world for food, feed, and fibre through innovative agricultural solutions. This will ensure that agriculture continues to provide healthy and affordable food for the population across the country. To enhance the international trade flow of agri-commodities required by our country, the regulatory systems should be made effective, efficient and objective-oriented. Genetically engineered crops have been rapidly adopted and crop biotechnology has the potential to produce novel products from plants, improve their nutritional quality, increase productivity, and adopt crops to environmental stresses resulting from a changing environment and climate. Progressive farmers continuously search for practical solutions that will help them manage their farms and field conditions and bring the freshest variety of products to our local fruits and vegetable markets. The writer is an entrepreneur and Advisor (LGU).