QUETTA: On Sunday, the Chief Minister of Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan Aylani decided to resign from his position, Provincial Minister for Sports, Abdul Khaliq Hazara, confirmed the news. However, Balochistan Governor accepted the resignation of Jam Kamal Khan. The united opposition has now decided to elect Abdul Quddus Bizenjo as the new administrative head of the province, the Governor House Secretariat confirmed. It is pertinent to mention here that Balochistan Assembly Speaker Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo had fixed October 25 for voting on the no-confidence motion against the CM Jam Kamal Khan. Moreover, according to the sources, Abdul Quddus Bizenjo would be a unanimous candidate for the new Chief Minister of Balochistan and his new government would be formed within the next two to three days. Furthermore, in a statement, Bizenjo said that they would form a ‘representative’ government in Balochistan while Asghar Tareen said that the province had now been freed from the dictatorship. Earlier on October 14, Jam Kamal had refused to step down as the chief minister of Balochistan after he held a meeting with Prime Minister Imran Khan amid the deepening political crisis in Balochistan. Whereas, a no-confidence motion against Balochistan CM Jam Kamal Alyani had been presented in the provincial assembly session on October 20.