Gold prices remained flat in the international market on Friday after facing heavy selling pressure a day earlier amid a modest pickup in the US Treasury bond yields and dollar’s strength. Gold in the international market closed at $1,754.80 per ounce after gaining $0.10 on Friday. Meanwhile, the price of 10 grams of yellow metal in Pakistan increased to Rs94,800 after gaining Rs200 on Saturday. The closing prices of the yellow metal in the country remained Rs94,600 on Friday last. The prices in the local market increased due to overnight changes in international prices when the local market was closed. According to experts, the overnight slump below strong horizontal support near the $1,780 shifted the near-term bias back in favour of bearish traders. The emergence of fresh selling on Friday added credence to the negative outlook and supported prospects for further losses. Moreover, technical indicators on the daily chart drifted lower and were still far from being in the oversold territory, they opined. Hence, a subsequent decline towards the next relevant support, around the $1,729-27 region, remains a distinct possibility. The downward trajectory could further get extended and drag gold back towards challenging the $1,700 round-figure mark, they said.