MUMBAI: India’s batting legend Sachin Tendulkar said on Friday he has been admitted to hospital as a precautionary measure after contracting the novel coronavirus last week. Tendulkar, who will turn 48 later this month, was previously quarantining at home after testing positive following mild symptoms. “As a matter of abundant precaution under medical advice, I have been hospitalised,” he said on Twitter. “I hope to be back home in a few days. Take care and stay safe everyone.” Former India captain Tendulkar retired from the professional game in 2013 after notching a still unmatched 100 international centuries in a prolific 24-year career. He lives in Mumbai, the capital of the Western Indian state of Maharashtra which has been the hardest hit by a resurgence in COVID-19 cases. Former cricketing legend tested positive for the virus on Saturday. He said in a tweet that he has been tested positive for the virus today and is experiencing mild symptoms.