Actress Syra Yousuf had the Internet gushing over her dance moves as she set the floor on fire at a friend’s wedding with sister Palwasha Yousuf. The sister-duo was seen shaking a leg on the song Haseena Pagal Deewani from the film Indoo Ki Jawani, with their friend, makeup artist Omayr Waqar. The video of the dance performance was shared by Waqar on his Instagram. ‘A little mess up never hurt anybody!’ wrote Waqar, sharing that the trio only had enough time to practice the dance routine twice “A little mess up never hurt anybody!” wrote Waqar, sharing that the trio only had enough time to practice the dance routine twice. We’d say they did a pretty fine job at that! The video was shared numerous times by various pages on Instagram, with people lauding Yousuf’s fun and groovy dance moves. Later, Yousuf herself took to Instagram to share pictures of her outfit from the night: she was seen in a stunning Mohsin Naveed Ranjha ensemble with her hair in a slick low bun. “Life is the dancer and you are the dance – Eckhart Tolle,” she wrote in the caption.