A gamut of Bollywood stars such as Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn, Anushka Sharma, Tiger Shroff, Shraddha Kapoor, Malaika Arora, Karisma Kapoor, Vicky Kaushal, Sanjay Dutt, Disha Patani, Shahid Kapoor and many others have shared priceless memories with their fathers – their heroes – on Father’s Day on Sunday. These celebs have dug out throwback pictures with their dads on the special occasion and each of them is adorable. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan shared picture collages of his and his late father Harivanshrai Bachchan’s photos to pay tribute to him. His daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda shared this priceless photo. Superstar Salman Khan posted a video featuring photos of his father Salim Khan from his early days in Bollywood till now. Kareena Kapoor shared two cute posts – one to wish her dad Randhir Kapoor and the other on behalf of son Taimur for Saif Ali Khan. While Karisma Kapoor chose to share this million-dollar picture. Alia Bhatt penned a heartfelt note for her dad Mahesh Bhatt. Ajay Devgn also went down the memory lane to find this photo with his father Veeru Devgan. Anushka Sharma’s post featured the three important people of her life – her parents and husband Virat Kohli. Along with the pictures, she shared the teachings of her father. Tiger Shroff shared a collage featuring his photo with dad Jackie Shroff. Shraddha Kapoor also had a cute wish for her ‘baapu’ Shakti Kapoor. Malaika Arora’s Father’s Day post featured her parents and sister Amrita Arora. Disha Patani shared a rare picture with her father.