At least one Indian was killed and two others were injured after Nepal police fired indiscriminately at them on the border near Sitamarhi district of Bihar on Friday, senior officials in the security set-up said. The Nepal Armed Force alleged that the kisans were trying to snatch arms off the NAP jawan. This was the second incident of firing on Indians by Nepal police in a month. Earlier, on May 17 too, the Nepal police had fired at Indians, but no one had been injured. According to ANI, SSB DG Rajesh Chandra said, “At around 8:40 am, a family was going to Nepal. They were stopped by the Nepali security forces at the border and asked to go back that triggered a verbal altercation. Nepal security personnel fired 15 rounds that injured three and one died.” He added that one person was also detained by the Nepal security force. “Four Indian nationals who were injured in the incident immediately fled to the Indian side of the border. Hence, we don’t know more about their situation now,” Shrestha added. “One of the injured Indian national is said to have died, but that is yet to be verified,” The incident site lies along the Nepal-India border in the south-eastern part of Sarlahi district.