Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been sharing some interesting posts and photos. The actor recently dug into his photo archive and shared a picture from the first photoshoot he did after entering the film industry. It was for the Star & Style magazine. Sharing the photo, Big B wrote, “My very first photo shoot for a film magazine after joining the Industry in 1969 .. it was for the ‘Star & Style’ the only other prominent film mag., along with Filmfare at the time .. I was pushed and goaded into – a most reticent reluctant and very self conscious shy me – by the most famed and feared journalist of the times – Devayani Chaubal .. obviously there was no ‘star’ or ‘style’ in the project .. but Devyani thought so .. a strong minded lady , ever dressed in a shining white sari .. always !!!” Amitabh Bachchan made his silver screen debut with Khwaja Ahmad Abbas directorial Saat Hindustani that released in 1969.