On Friday, Prime Minister Imran Khan said Pakistan would continue to support Kabul during the global coronavirus pandemic and ordered authorities to open the Chaman-Spinboldak border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. According to District Administration Khyber, necessary arrangements for this purpose have almost been completed. Prime Minister said in a tweet, “Despite the global pandemic of COVID-19, we remain committed to supporting our Afghan brothers and sisters. I have given instructions to open the Chaman-Spinboldak border and let trucks crossover into Afghanistan. In this time of crisis, we remain steadfast with Afghanistan.” Despite global pandemic of COVID 19, we remain committed to supporting our Afghan brothers & sisters. I have given instructions to open the Chaman-Spinboldak border & let trucks crossover into Afghanistan. In time of crisis, we remain steadfast with Afghanistan. — Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) March 20, 2020