With the outbreak of dreadful Coronavirus that wreaked havoc on almost every part of the world, rumor-mills are running constantly, propagating myths, and misinformation with regard to covid-19. These myths and factoids only multiply the panic that has gripped the masses. Additionally, the problem has only been compounded by these scientifically unproven –prescriptions that are nowadays spread mainly through social media. In many parts of India, that are under the domination of ‘Cow Vigilantes’ the population is urged to use ‘Cow urine and its dung’ to combat the infection. Similarly, in other regions, different suggestions are put forth that have nothing to do with this virus.
Cow urine may be sacred and according to the belief of orthodox Hindus, it may be having health benefits but there is no scientific evidence about its action on Corona. To be more accurate, no research suggests and no data is available, which could furnish credibility to claims of these people.
The use of masks is now considered a major preventive measure. These days, masks have become a demanding item. However, experts categorically object this opinion. Studies have shown Covid-19 is not airborne so chances of its spread through the air are nil. It can be contacted from hard surfaces to our hands and then to eyes, nose, etc by means of touch. Masks are recommended only for those having symptoms of Corona to prevent its transmission through respiratory droplets, little bits of liquid coming out while sneezing, coughing, etc. Further, Medical staffers also have been advised to wear masks as they may be exposed to someone having an infection.
Another misinformation that has gained much acceptance is that non-vegetarian food is a carrying agent of this virus. This is completely untrue. Even vegetables might not be free from it. However, once the food is cooked properly there are the least chances of the virus’s survival. Well-cooked food including meat cannot contribute to this infection and is safe to eat.
Excessive use of hot water for drinking and bathing has been falsely prescribed. Certain reports indicate that outside the body, the Covid-19 virus becomes inactive at temperature around 60°C. Washing and wetting bed linen or towels at this temperature is a good idea as this can eliminate viruses in the fabric. However, having a hot bath or taking hot liquid cannot favor, as our actual body temperature would not change. And once the virus is inside the body, there is no way of killing it.
Moreover, drinking water every 15 minutes to flush out the virus is one of the recommendations that still make rounds on social sites. But, it is one more addition to the list of fake health advice.
One more myth that has been disseminated is that young people are not vulnerable to the virus. Studies reveal people in thirties, forties, and fifties are not immune to the infection. Statistics do indicate older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions appear to be more susceptible still youngsters must be cautious and should take necessary precautions beforehand.
Climatic conditions will allay the fears of this virus is one more factoid. Up to now, scientists are not sure that change in climate may obliterate this virus. Thus, it is necessary to be very vigilant and to maintain proper hygiene.
There is no end to stories, news, hoaxes, disinformation that have been tailored but better is to ignore them and follow authentic information, advice, preventive measures put forth by the World Health Organization. Being responsible citizens, we must forward the same to others and denounce wrong information with factual.
Thus far, the best prevention advice is to avoid exposure by practicing social distancing, washing hands regularly especially with soap, avoiding touching your mouth, face, nose, and eyes. Also, if you feel sick, seek medical attention, pronto.
Let us hope that this epidemic will soon vanish and its fear would be conquered.
The writer can be reached at mohdzeeshan605@gamil.com