Perfection is nothing but a term; sounds beautiful but is fiction. We have come to believe that having perfect lips, hair, eyes, and nose is beauty. People have decided that beauty is the key to happiness. But what they haven’t decided is to be themselves and it’s not their fault. It’s our fault. They know that there will be people standing in front of them, waiting for them to talk behind their backs and for this reason, they don’t dare to leave the house. There are people that think that when you care for yourself you are selfish. Selfishness is when you think about yourself only, be fake and have two faces whereas Self–care is when you think and care about others with yourself and start being true to others with being true to yourself. I feel that it’s unfair to have a list of the ‘top 100 most beautiful people’ because when people look at that list they then compare those people to themselves then the damage just begins. It’s a shame. Beauty is a personality, a good personality. This world needs good personalities of different people. Maybe that’s why you are needed here in this world because your personality completes the world. You complete you. Don’t waste your time thinking you aren’t beautiful. No matter how imperfect you think you are, just remember perfection is a hoax. If you want to look beautiful; be healthy, be kind, because kindness and acts of kindness and spreading love are true beauty. The writer is a 15-year-old student currently enrolled in IGCSE.