Singer and songwriter Justin Timberlake was targeted by serial prankster Vitalii Sediuk as he arrived at the Louis Vuitton Paris Fashion Week show on Tuesday with wife Jessica Biel. The actor and singer, 38, was heading inside the show when notorious prankster Vitalii Sediuk grabbed a hold of his leg and wouldn’t let go – until security swooped in and removed him, reports Actress Jessica Beil, who was holding his hand, looked shocked but the couple appeared to quickly shake off the dramatic moment as they resumed their walk to the venue with smiles on their faces. This security scare comes just hours after supermodel Gigi Hadid had to escort YouTube prankster Marie Benoliel AKA Marie S’Infiltre off the Chanel Spring/Summer 2020 runway after she jumped on and tried to blend in. Actress Jessica Beil, who was holding his hand, looked shocked but the couple appeared to quickly shake off the dramatic moment as they resumed their walk to the venue with smiles on their faces It started when Timberlake and Beil got out of their car and started walking toward the venue for the Louis Vuitton show. Suddenly Vitalii ran up between his security and PR personnel and grabbed Timberlake’s right leg. Beil was shocked. Justin Timberlake looked down and attempted to shake him off but their security swooped in and grabbed him; the prankster would not let go of the singer’s leg as security pulled him away so Timberlake had to hop a few steps as he tried to keep his balance – before his leg was finally released by him.