After winning the audiences and the box office with his Eidul Azha romantic comedy, Heer Maan Ja, heartthrob Ali Rehman Khan, is ready to showcase his acting prowess on the ARY Digital screen for the first time with the serial, Bewafa. Ali Rehman Khan is going to play the lead role in this serial where he will be sharing the screen space with Naveen Waqar and Ushna Shah. The serial is directed by Aabis Raza (of Bandish fame) and produced by Fahad Mustafa and Dr. Ali Kazmi’s Big Bang Entertainment. “Working with the Bewafa team was an absolute pleasure for me.” states Ali Rehman Khan. “Not only is the script and character very well crafted, and the story is such that all types of audiences should be able to connect with, but working with Aabis (Raza), Naveen (Waqar), Ushna (Shah) & the entire team of Big Bang Entertainment has been brilliant.” Khan has really been making waves in 2019 starting from his critically acclaimed character Ammar in Khaas (airing on Hum TV) followed by Heer Maan Ja, his third successful outing on the big screen this Eid ul Azha. Bewafa will go on air from the 16th of September, every Monday at 8 p.m. on ARY Digital.