KARACHI: The son of former MPA of the Sindh Assembly has managed to achieve “stroke of luck” thrice as he was favored with three major promotions within three years of his service time only, Daily Times has learnt. Raja Khan Bozdar, son of Ex-MPA, Sardar Abdul Rahim Bozdar of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was given three promotions from BS-14 to BS-18 in three year allegedly on political basis, according to sources. Raja Khan Bozdar was initially appointed as Assistant BS-14 in the Local Government Department on January 18, 2013. “With the approval of competent authority and subsequent to acceptance of terms and conditions, Raja Khan Bozdar is hereby appointed as Assistant BS-14 in Local Government department asa ssistant in Taluka Municipal Administration, Mirpur Mathelo, district Ghotki”,o n regular basis and on probation for a period of two years in the first instance. If his work was found un-satisfactory during the probationary period, his services will be dispensed with or without any notice”, said the official documents available with Daily Times. Interestingly, Secretary, Local Government issued another order No SOII (LG)/I-41/2014 dated November 18, 2015 posting Raja Khan Bozdar, as Accounts Officer to take the charge of Assistant Director BS 18, Local Government. “With the approval of competent authority Raja Khan Bozdar BS-16 Accounts Officer, Municipal Committee, Mirpur Mathelo, is hereby allowed to look after the charge of vacant post of Assistant Director, Local Government with immediate effect”, official documents reveled. The sources said that Secretary Local Government Muhammad Ramzan Awaz got shocked as how and why Raja Khan Bozdar got rapid promotions, adding that the documents related to his promotion from Bs 16 to BS 17 were kept secret from the department. “There is no record of Raja Khan Bozdar available with Local Government department. He is not an employee of Local Government department at all,” Secretary Local Government department, Muhammad Ramzan Awan said. “We have initiated legal action against him and others who are involved in such illegal practices”, the secretary added.