Actor Varun Dhawan swooned into the hearts of his fans with his 2012 debut hit ‘Student Of The Year’ co-starring Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra. The Karan Johar’s ‘student’ graduated to become a bankable star at the box office in a short span of time. And now with many hit films behind him, the public is eager to see him married off! Well, for the uninitiated, Varun Dhawan is dating his childhood sweetheart Natasha Dalal and the two are in a steady relationship. The couple, who does not believe in too much photo-ops is seen on popular hangout zones quite often these days. A few days back, rumours about the impending Varun-Natasha wedding caught fire and social media was abuzz with the news that this December is the D-day for the duo. Well, for the uninitiated, Varun Dhawan is dating his childhood sweetheart Natasha Dalal and the two are in a steady relationship However, Varun told Deccan Chronicle that all these are mere rumours and nothing else. He has been quoted as saying, “It’s just not true. I am tired of denying these reports over and over again.” Varun’s father and director David Dhawan added, “I know everybody is eager to see Varun married; so am I. We all in the family would be happy when he gets married. Shaadi hogi khoob dhoom-dhaam se. But let’s not make up dates and venues for the wedding. We’ll officially announce the wedding with all the details when it happens.” On the work front, Varun is working on Remo D’Souza’s ‘Street Dancer 3D’ opposite Shraddha Kapoor. The film will hit the screens next year in January.