Actor and producer Akshay Kumar is currently filming his upcoming film ‘Sooryavanshi’ in Bangkok, Thailand and the actor says shooting his own stunts in the city makes him feel nostalgic. The 51-year-old actor learned combat sport Muay Thai and worked as a chef and waiter in Bangkok before making it big in films. “I always have a lot of fun doing my own stunts. Rohit is anyway a class apart when it comes to action in his films. And doing these bike stunts on the streets of Bangkok was extra special. Many years back I would ride a bike in Bangkok to deliver food. Now I am doing the same all over again, to earn my food,” Akshay Kumar said in a statement. Directed by Rohit Shetty, ‘Sooryavanshi’ is the fourth film in the filmmaker’s cop universe. The first three films were ‘Singham’, ‘Singham Returns’ and ‘Simmba’. The film features Katrina Kaif in the lead opposite Kumar. Presented by Reliance Entertainment, the film is produced by Rohit Shetty Picturez in association with Dharma Productions and Cape of Good Films.