An Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) on Thursday adjourned the hearing of the Maulana Azam Tariq murder case till May 29. On Thursday, the hearing was resumed in the court of ATC-II judge Shahrukh Arjumand. The investigation officer Inspector Akram Nagra, summoned for testimony, was also present in the court. During the hearing, the prosecution informed the court about the incomplete record of the case as it was summoned by the Islamabad High Court in a petition seeking cancellation of Sibtain Kazmi’s acquittal from the case. The court at the prosecution’s request adjourned the hearing and also directed the prosecution for producing witnesses at the next hearing. A case was registered against 13 suspects for the murder of Azam Tariq, who was gunned down by assailants in 2003 in the limits of Golra police station.