Strangely in the course of human history, civilisation began with the development of walled cities. Honorificjobs were associated with power rather than skills. Ironically, the stone and iron agesarewidely as eras of barbarism, but what thecivilisation has done to humanity, it is not much to be proud of in terms of intolerance and disrespect.Wars were celebrated, torture was the norm for prisoners of war and loot was plundered with impunity.Such an ideology hasn’t changed much over the centuries. Be it WW I, WW 2 or others, nationalism had a profound impactto raise commoners for political milaeage. Nationalism,like patriotism, is oftenmanipulated but only a generation that witnessesthe horrors of wars can distinguish manipulation from patriotism. Across the border, our neighbour is also promoting war in the garb of nationalism. Unfortunately, being a country fighting an imposed war has given us nothing but misery. The state has witnessed enough trauma to push for the cause of peace.In the same manner, I hope that we would be able to challenge manipulations masquerading in the form of nationalism. The power struggle between states remind us the horrors of the past through historical context. But what about the micro warswe face on regular basis owing tolack of communication? Do we ever try to get down from our own self-created pedestals and try to listen , see and hear across the board, undoing our own prejudices and stop being full of ourselves?Whether it’s a classroom, home, community or professional organisation?. These micro wars kill creativity and result in dejection. Elements of jealousy and needless judgements become the root causeof resentments. Our thoughts and consciousness are defining the shape of experiences then we need to work on that too, as the worst form of aggression is not just invading the borders and killing people, but the freedom of ideas But unfortunately, these micro wars that take place within our own homogenous groups are neither discussed, brain stormed or talked about. Claims are high but then the contrast between them and our practices are too wide. Who will question and how? Till the moment we don’t introspect, we won’t realise the bigger picture. I had witnessed relationships dying just because of the lack of acceptance for diversity. Manipulation in terms of gender roles, societal expectations and dogmas are endless. How come we judge everyone by thesame yardstick? Iam not much of Hegel (Germanphilosopher) but his absolute idealismis inspirational. Our world is defined by our own reflection of mind. A little soul searching is required so we can stop fighting those unwanted micro war. Our thoughts and consciousness are defining the shape of experiences then we need to work on that too, as the worst form of aggression is not just invading the borders and killing people, but the freedom of ideas. How many young girls just succumb to pre-determined societal expectations?Countless, perhaps. The idea of being a caring and nurturing mother is not a matter of practicing and emotional bonding rather a question of judgement. If some strong soul bypasses these rules than all kind of opposition will be there, as the convenience of subservience is enormous. Many of my students tend to be a victim of this situation rather in charge.That’s a misfortune of many others. Emotional suffocation and harsh disciplinary measures are inter-linked. We behaved with such sanity and became a source of pride by condemning war on a national scale sincewe have witnessed its horrors. In the same manner, we need to wage against these micro wars that have suffocated the people around us. The gentle coaxing, acknowledgements and acceptance is so much important for the peace of mind. Soul needs more space than thebody, so, we must let it grow otherwise many unforseseencircumstances will be on our hands. Let peace prevail not only on the borders but within us as well. The writer is a sociologist and child rights activist who teaches at the University of Punjab Published in Daily Times, March 3rd 2019.