Punjab Minister for Public Prosecution Chaudhary Zaheeruddin Khan said that mindset of adjournment and victimisation will not be tolerated further. During a visit to the prosecution office on Friday, he said the Prosecution Department has an important role to play in provision of justice, but unfortunately the department is used for political victimisation in the past. Chaudhary Zaheeruddin Khan said that the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf will implement the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan and in this context, the provision of a public prosecutor will be ensured for every criminal case. On request, the plaintiff will be provided facility of a public prosecutor for free. He called upon prosecutors to be above personal and political interests, so that they could play an effective role in administration of justice. He said interest of state and justice for common men are priorities of the government. Performance of public prosecutors will be judged case wise on a daily basis and in this context, a fool proof monitoring mechanism will be introduced. The provincial minister that said vacant posts at the prosecution office will be filled soon and to improve performance of prosecution office, guidance will be sought from the bar and bench. For effective reforms in the prosecution department, a debate will be arranged between lawyers and media anchors. He said justice is a serious social problem. In his personal capacity, he will do his best to improve the situation, so that the promises of PM Imran Khan to the nation could be honoured. He said columnists through their writings must give us their valuable suggestions. Published in Daily Times, September 15th 2018.