Pakistan has achieved the status of the most resilient and the most stubborn nation in the world, maybe in history. The determined nation of more than 200 million people (the enemy within) is doggedly working to pull itself down, not to mention its other foreign enemies like RAW, MOSAD, CIA, MI6. It seems that the whole world is out to get Pakistan, excluding China, of course. Despite everything, Pakistan is still standing. It has enemies all around, but it continues to cling to China, proving all prophets of doom wrong. What a country, what a nation… and what a leadership! It has been looted and plundered, fooled by established political and religious parties, and now eagerly looking forward to a new party with an old team, to once again rule, exploit and loot them. But let us pat our bats or backs, for the historic verdict by the most respected Accountability Court declare Nawaz Sharif a criminal. The verdict may be lawful or unjust, but does it really matter? Apparently, the whole nation is glued to their TV screens to learn the latest developments about the matter as if their future depends on which way the bat will swing or whether the lion will roar or whimper. In reality, it doesn’t matter. Will the outcome of this rat race help poor voters pay their bills? Will it help them find treatment or send their children to school? I don’t think so. Corruption is a huge problem but the real problem is an unfair socio-economic system where the rich own most wealth and resources. It is a part of who we are. Everytime we give a few rupees to the local police officer, everytime we cut a que, and even when we get a fake license made, we have proven that we are corrupt. No one cares about the law, and people take what they can. We need some improvements in our dictionary. Justice should be redefined to justice for the haves and justice for the have-nots. There are two laws anyway, or are there three or more? One looses count. One law defines murder in terms of the first and second degree, meditated or premeditated (post-meditated in some cases). Another defines murder as “honour killing” or “killing in the name of religion” – a murder which can be condoned or even admired. We should have words such as “mystery killing”, “sympathy killing” and “necessary killing” in our dictionary along with “mercy killing”. All the flack that the establishment is receiving is unjustified. Many do not know the dangers we are facing as a nation The word politicians should also be replaced by “inherited politicians”, “accidental politicians”, “uniformed politicians” or even “lota politicians”. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) may very much just win the vote that matters from the powers that be. The stark divide between PTI and the all the other parties represents the line between not just two different schools of thought, but mindsets and ways of living. Over the years, the people in power, those at the top, know the game very well. While the rest of the parties try to represent, successfully or unsuccessfully, the will of the middle and lower classes, the enigma of PTI is that it attracts the young middle class but serves the interests of the upper class and the elite. Look at most of their leaders, those with positions and actual power. Billionaires are preferred, nay invited. The same class of society is their main sponsors. A class which doesn’t care about ideology, vision or “insaaf” for that matter. A class that wants to make more and more money, and in the process support or hoodwink or steal from whosoever it deems necessary. From religious extremists to liberal extremists, corrupt bureaucrats to holier-than-thou judges, they are willing to enlist the changemakers in their run for power. The rest, as they say, follow suit. Perhaps, somebody is paying the pied piper. All the flack that the establishment is receiving however, is unjustified. Many do not know the dangers we are facing as a nation. We had a mafia-inspired politician using extremely insulting derogatory language about Pakistan’s pivotal institutions, on national and international media. We had family of judges threatened. The formula was simple: abuse the establishment, force the imposition of martial law, and invite in internationally enforced intervention. Politics has always been a torrid game, with winners and losers. After the match is over, they all sit down, have tea and a great laugh. They are a big family after all. Who cares about the future of the nation. Coming back to the resilience factor of our proud nation, one is reminded of the iconic Sultan Rahi, or let us say the Maula Jutt syndrome. The image is that of Sultan Rahi being shot and falling down dead, then rising up again and receiving volleys of bullets, and then once again falling down only to get up again screaming and shouting. Well that is our resilient nation, almost dying and then rising or resurrecting. How long will it last, is the question. All movies have an ending. Is The End imminent? Let us hope not. The writer is a director/actor; and a core member of Ajoka Theatre Pakistan. He has been involved in spreading awareness on socio-political issues through theatre Published in Daily Times, July 13th 2018.