In the modern world where everyone condemns racism and raise their voices against it, South Asian countries are notorious for being obsessed with fair complexion. In South Asian countries fairness is perceived more desirable and attractive due to its social advantages for marital and career prospects. I wonder why? This problem is quite deep rooted and has grasped the people in its claws since the British rule. Since then, fair complexion is considered to be a symbol of superiority and the epitome of beauty.This racist movement is supported by the media as well. The advertising media has displayed various advertisements with the illusion that the fairness creams can give you whatever your heart desires. From a job in a multi-national company to a handsome looking groom that would be your true eternal love. Morning shows calling all these qualified people just to demonstrate natural ways to lighten up your skin; use turmeric, honey, mint, in fact your entire pantry’s products to get a white skin(as they put it). This multi-millionaire fairness product industry not only perpetuates racism but also mental illness and self-consciousness which in return benefit them with huge cultural capital. In a research a sample of 1,992 people were using fairness creams out of which 64% were women with a mean age of 24 (an ideal age for marriage for girls in South Asia). Many people are out there on a conquest to find their “gori” girl and on the way they have rejected many beautiful, smart and sophisticated people and have played with their emotions. Those who do not possess this quality of fair complexion are shunned by the society and are married late in comparison to their peers. This competition gets them into the clause of the social comparison and criticism leading them to depression. I would like to raise some questions. Did anyone of us had the exceptional opportunity to select our skin color? Are we truly free from the British rule? Is it right to blame or reject someone for their color? It is necessary that we ponder upon this matter and eradicate these exercises from the society. Embrace your natural beauty and complexion to stop this inhumane and racist movement.