BAHAWALPUR: Around 200 police cadets completed a wireless telegraphy course (WTC) and a ceremony was held to recognise their achievement, on Tuesday. Regional Police Officer Riffat Mukhtar Raja, Punjab Police Telecommunications acting DIG Shahid Javid and District Police Officer Cap Mustansar Feroze (retd) attended the event. Superintendent Police Rab Nawaz, training school Principal DSP Khawaja Tughral Zamir and parents of the cadets were also present. The higher police officials asked the police cadets to adhere to their oath taken. Awards and certificates were also distributed among the cadets. Search Operation: Police arrested four criminals during a search operation. According to police spokesperson, police conducted the search operation in Bahawalpur and Khairpur Tamiwali. During the operation, police detained four people suspected of involvement in various crimes. Published in Daily Times, November 8th 2017.