Pakistani actors Kubra Khan and Gohar Rasheed are making waves on social media following rumours of their alleged relationship and possible wedding. The speculation intensified after producer Shazia Wajahat shared an Instagram reel featuring the duo alongside their industry friends, captioned “Bismillah.” Fans quickly interpreted the video as a hint at an upcoming wedding, sparking heated discussions online. While many believe the two actors are set to tie the knot, others speculate that Gohar Rasheed might be marrying someone outside the industry. Some social media pages have reported that the ‘Jannat Se Aagay’ co-stars are preparing for their big day. However, the rumoured union has received mixed reactions. Some fans are thrilled and congratulate the couple, while others remain skeptical, insisting that the ‘Noor Jahan’ actor is not marrying Gohar Rasheed. Despite the speculation, neither Kubra nor Gohar have confirmed or denied the rumours, keeping fans eagerly waiting for an official announcement.