Renowned Pakistani singer Atif Aslam has launched an ambitious new project, ‘Borderless World’, aiming to erase artistic boundaries and provide a global platform for emerging musical talent. The grand launch event took place at a cinema in Lahore, attended by some of the biggest names in Pakistan’s entertainment industry. Celebrities such as Sahir Ali Bagga, Bilal Saeed, Hamza Ali Abbasi, Naimal Khawar Abbasi, Saba Qamar, Emmad Irfani and Anoushey Ashraf graced the occasion. Acclaimed filmmaker Bilal Lashari, producer Ammara Hikmat, and singer Shae Gill also supported the initiative. Speaking at the event, Atif Aslam described Borderless World as a space where musicians, poets, and artists can showcase their creativity without limitations. He stated, “This will be a world where artistic borders do not exist and dreams transcend boundaries.” Reflecting on his career, Atif shared that while his early years were dedicated to playback singing, he now has the time and freedom to create something truly his own. “This was the perfect moment to bring ‘Borderless World’ to life,” he added. The project aims to redefine the creative landscape by fostering artistic collaboration and supporting emerging talent on a global scale. Atif Aslam also hinted that his latest venture will revive elements of his early musical style while introducing fresh sounds. “Somewhere, you’ll hear the old Atif Aslam again,” he teased. With Borderless World, Atif Aslam is set to take his music-and Pakistan’s artistic community-to new heights.