A-list film and TV actor Neelam Muneer Khan is officially married; confirms her viral wedding photoshoot with her husband. The first pictures of actor Neelam Muneer Khan’s wedding, featuring her husband, have widely circulated on social media since they were first shared by celebrity photographer Abdul Samad Zia, on Friday evening, with the caption, “With this New Year, starting a ‘new chapter’ of their life, remember them in your prayers!” For their intimate nikah ceremony in Dubai, UAE, Khan made for a radiant bride in an all-white ensemble, by a local design house Baroque, paired with pearl jewellery and dewy glam makeup by Rabia Anum’s team. Her groom twinned perfectly with the actor in his traditional Arabic dress – jubbah. In the captures doing rounds on social media, the ‘Chakkar’ actor is seen with her other half for the first time, as they posed near the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa, in Gulf City, on their big day. However, more details regarding the celebrity husband were not revealed. Thousands of social users liked the viral photos of the new couple and extended their heartfelt wishes to them. For the uninitiated, the rumours regarding Khan’s marriage first began to swirl in November. She confirmed the happening earlier this week, sharing the glimpses from her intimate Mayoun night, adding that, “All the wedding festivities have just started.”