The story of the film reflects the lives of Punjabis residing in Europe and is based on a message of social awareness. Prominent company Distribution Club has arranged the release of this global Punjabi film “Hey Siri Ve Siri”, which is filled with laughter, hit music and star-studded performances, to provide quality entertainment to the audience. The film will be released today in cinemas across Lahore, Islamabad and throughout Punjab. Punjab Censor Board has issued clearance certificate for public screening and it will be showcased in all cinemas across Punjab, including Lahore, Gujranwala, Faisalabad and Multan. The unique title of the film portrays the challenges faced by Punjabi family living in Europe. The film emphasizes the message of love between parents and children and the importance of preserving and reviving family values. It also highlights humorous encounters between European citizens and Punjabi immigrants. Arya Babar, the son of Raj Babar have played the lead role in the film, while other notable actors include Shweta Inder kumar, Hardip Gill, Anita Devgan, Adarsh Singh Cheema and others.