In June this year, the US Congress passed a resolution with 368-7 votes reflecting bipartisan support which expressed concern over the state of human rights in Pakistan and the conduct of the 2024 general elections demanding a free and fair probe into allegations of rigging. This indiscretion by the US Congress was a blatant violation of the UN Charter.
Article 2(1) of the UN Charter reiterates “The Organization is based on the principle of sovereign equality of all members” Article 2(4) says “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations”.
The National Assembly of Pakistan rightly and justifiably gave a befitting rejoinder to Congress resolution by out rightly rejecting it and while expressing commitment to cordial relations with the US it reminded the legislators and administration that their attention was more needed instead of interference in Pakistani affairs. The rejoinder drew the attention of the US House of Representatives to more important and humanitarian issues such as the ongoing acts of genocide in Gaza, gross human rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and suppression of minorities by the Modi government in India. The foreign office also denounced the resolution saying it stemmed from a flawed understanding of the political system and electoral process of Pakistan.
Pakistan has extraordinary geo-political importance in the Great Power Game.
However, as a follow-up to that resolution, the congress members have twice written letters to US President Biden calling for urgent action on the Resolution, the release of Imran Khan, the release of other political prisoners, restoration of human rights and respect for democratic principles. The first letter was written by 62 legislators and the latest one has been sent by 46 members of the House of Representatives.
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacting to the latest letter termed it a blatant interference by lawmakers of a foreign country in the domestic affairs of Pakistan and contrary to the principle of respecting the sovereignty of other nations. She reiterated that Pakistan did not attach any significance to the communication of the US lawmakers as their contention was misplaced. It is pertinent to point out that similar action was also taken by 20 MPs of the UK a month ago.
The question is why for any earthly reason these congressmen are having gripes in their stomachs for the release of Imran Khan and why there is such a sense of urgency in their call. It surely is not something ordinary. It is highly unusual and merits deeper probe by analysts and experts in world affairs. To be able to understand this conundrum an incisive look needs to be cast on the credentials and affiliations of these legislators.
Out of these 46 representatives, 30 are funded by the Zionist Israeli lobby AIPC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). Notably, Brad Sherman Chair of the House Israel Caucus has been vocal in his support for Imran. Additionally, 26 of these 46 are members of the House India Caucus, a group that promotes India-friendly policies in the US Congress. Representative Ro Khanna, chair of the India Caucus has also actively raised his voice for Imran. As is evident it is the nexus between Zionist and Indian lobbyist within the Congress – staunch enemies of Pakistan – which seems so desperate for the release of Imran Khan and his return to power. They surely have an agenda of their own.
It is perhaps pertinent to mention that the USA and India both are the most vocal detractors of CPEC which has transformational prospects for the economy of Pakistan and the entire region. With Imran Khan in jail, the Zionist and Indian lobbies perceive the failure of their plan. Hence their stress on the release of Imran Khan and his return to power to implement the promises which he might have made with these lobbies.
Pakistan has extraordinary geo-political importance in the Great Power Game. The Zionists perceive nuclear Pakistan as a threat to their interests. They simply cannot tolerate a Muslim country possessing nuclear power. The US attempts to pressure Pakistan to abandon its nuclear programme are a known reality.
All these facts reinforce the impression about the links of Imran Khan’s links with the Jewish lobby. The other factors that further strengthen this belief are stopping the implementation of CPEC projects during Imran’s rule, targeting the military and portraying it as a villain.
All this aligned well with the aims of Zionists. Imran’s links with the Zionist lobby were further corroborated by an article in the Jerusalem Post by Harry Richer. It said that Imran Khan was the only leader in Muslim Ummah who could play a central role in changing both public opinion and military policy in Pakistan towards Israel. A sustained campaign by the former wife of Imran Khan for the release of Imran for implementing Project Gold Smith is yet another ranting testimony of whose man Imran Khan is.
The role that PTI lobbyists and Imran Khan himself are playing as facilitators of the Zionist and Indian lobbies by inviting foreign interference leaves no doubt about the nefarious plan against Pakistan.
It is a shame that a political party, instead of doing politics the way it is done and giving priority to the state interests, is unscrupulously playing in the hands of enemies of the country and tarnishing its image in the comity of nations. Its persistence with relentless agitation and fomenting political instability to scuttle the economic advancement of the country is also condemnable in the harshest possible terms, to say the least.
The writer is a former diplomat and freelance columnist.