On the special instructions of the Chief Minister Punjab, the cabinet has approved the funds for the purchase of 27 modern quadcopters for surveillance and counter terrorism operations in Punjab. The Punjab Home Department spokesman said that the cabinet has approved the summary for the purchase of the latest quadcopters. According to the details, an amount of Rs. 214 million was approved for the purchase of these quadcopters. It is decided that 20 surveillance quadcopters will be handed over to the Police in Attock, Mianwali, Bhakkar, Layyah, DG Khan, Rajanpur and Rahim Yar Khan, while, 7 quadcopters capable of transferring and dropping payload will be purchased for Mianwali, DG Khan, Rajanpur and Rahim Yar Khan. These special quadcopters can carry up to two mortar shells of 80mm and can hit the target at the same time. Home Secretary Punjab Noorul Amin Mengal has said that all necessary resources are being provided to the law enforcement agencies for best possible results and these latest quadcopters will help in operations in Kacha and border areas.