“Mirzapur 3” actor Ali Fazal has hinted at the return of a dead character in the bonus episode for the season later this month. Taking to Instagram, Amazon Prime shared a video of Ali Fazal in which he asks viewers to keep a “paini nazar” on the upcoming bonus episode of Mirzapur 3. Amazon Prime Video wrote in the caption, “y’all are not ready for this Bonus episode aane wala hai, gaddi ki peti baandh lijiye #MirzapurOnPrime.” In the video, Fazal as Guddu Bhaiya teased the return of a “stud type guy” who he had killed in the show. However, the Bollywood actor said that the guy he killed was “too cool to stay dead” and that this dead character is keen to come back. The video went viral on social media as fans speculated that the character might be fan-favourite Munna Bhaiya, played by actor Divyenndu. While Amazon Prime Video did not reveal the exact date for the release date of the bonus episode, it is set to stream later this month. Created by Karan Anshuman and Puneet Krishna, the ensemble cast of Mirzapur 3 includes Ali Fazal, Pankaj Tripathi, Shweta Tripathi, Isha Talwar, Vijay Varma, Rasika Dugal, Rajesh Tailang and Anjum Sharma among others. Divyenndu’s character was killed in season 2, however, Fazal reprised his role as Guddu Bhaiya while Pankaj Tripathi returned for his role of Kaleen Bhaiya in season 3. The original Mirzapur was released in November 2018 and soon grabbed the attention of audience. Later, season 2 of the show was released in October 2020. The series tells the story of a criminal family who is involved in major crimes such as drugs in the lawless city of Mirzapur. However, they have to deal with rival gangs that want to take them down the same way as them.