Shagufta Ejaz, a celebrated Pakistani actress admired for her roles in hit dramas like Mere Damad, recently faced public criticism during a trip to Dubai. In response, she took to her YouTube channel to address the negative comments directly. In her vlog, Shagufta shared her frustration with the harsh judgments she’s received. “There are some comments I included at the beginning of my vlog that really hurt me,” she said. She clarified that her visit to Dubai was due to urgent financial matters, not a leisure trip. “My bank account was confiscated by the government and I had to come here to get it restored because I needed money,” she explained. She also mentioned having sold personal items to gather funds, noting, “I had to sell my bags and had to collect money; one of the tasks is done, but the other is still pending.” Shagufta went on to discuss her personal and financial responsibilities, revealing, “I have always been involved in showbiz and earning. I supported my daughters’ education and Yahya took care of other expenses.” She clarified that the property she sold in London was her own and that her marriage to Yahya was to provide a father figure for her daughter Anya. “I married Yahya to give my daughters a father figure because Anya missed having one,” she said. Expressing her dismay at the criticism, Shagufta added, “I’m deeply hurt by the negativity I’ve received. Please think before being so critical and venomous.” She concluded with a firm statement about forgiveness, saying, “Did I deserve this hate? It’s up to me to forgive and I’ve chosen not to.”