ISLAMABAD: The Prime Minister’s Office on Saturday received the name of the official, responsible of leaking a photograph of former PM Nawaz Sharif’s elder son Hussain Nawaz, when he was appearing before the Joint Investigation Team (JIT). Following the Supreme Court instructions, JIT Chairman Wajid Zia sent in a sealed envelope the name of the official/person responsible of leaking the photo of Hussain Nawaz to the social media, to the Attorney General for Pakistan Ashtar Ausaf Ali. He, after receiving the sealed envelope, sent it to the Prime Minister’s Office, which formally received it on Saturday, a senior official at the Prime Minister’s House told Daily Times. He said the sealed envelope stamped with ‘top confidential’, was addressed to Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. He said it would be decided by the PM whether the name of the person should be disclosed or not. A photo of Hussain Nawaz, when he was answering the questions of JIT at the Federal Judicial Academy, went viral on social media. Hussain Nawaz moved the Supreme Court, requesting it to constitute a commission to inquire and determine who leaked the photo, besides making him public. The court had dismissed his plea. However, it directed the JIT head to determine the name of the person and give his name to the attorney general. The court, however, had left it on the sole discretion of the government to make the name of that person public or not or take legal action against him or not. Published in Daily Times, August 13th 2017.