Amidst ongoing disruptions to social media platform X – formerly known as Twitter – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) announced to file a petition in the Islamabad High Court, challenging what he termed as “dictatorial acts” by the government.
Speaking out against the prolonged outage, PTI’s stalwart Ali Muhammad Khan, in a message posted on X denounced the government’s actions as undemocratic and vowed to fight for the restoration of freedom of expression.
“Today marks the fourth day of the closure of social media platform X,” Khan stated, “and as a lawyer in the Islamabad High Court, I am determined to challenge this dictatorial act of the fascist government.”
Highlighting the importance of freedom of expression in the modern age, Khan emphasized that tactics of censorship and suppression would not be tolerated.
“Blocking internet access, shutting down social media platforms like X, or censoring channels only exacerbates problems rather than solving them,” he asserted. “The people’s mandate must be respected, and the truth must prevail.” The disruption to social media platform X has persisted for six days across various regions of Pakistan, causing inconvenience to users.
According to reports from Down Detector, complaints about the service outage began pouring in from February 17th at 9 pm, and continue to be received.
Meanwhile, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has yet to take a firm stance on the matter, leaving many unanswered questions about the cause of the disruption and the timeline for its resolution.
The prolonged outage of social media platform X has sparked concerns among users regarding the accessibility of online platforms and the preservation of fundamental rights in the digital sphere.