The unprecedented floods of 2022 have submerged almost one-third of the country with massive devastation in Sindh and Balochistan provinces where majority of the population have lost their computerized national identity cards (CNICs) and critical infrastructure, increasing voters’ turnout remained elusive. The Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) launched its report titled “Assessment of the Adverse Impacts of Floods on Electoral Participation” authored by senior climate change and disaster management consultant, Naseer Memon. The study intended to work on identifying possible obstacles that the 2022 flood could create in electoral participation of communities in selected districts of Sindh and Balochistan. Extensive literature review, situation updates of PDMAs of Sindh and Balochistan, UN agencies and humanitarian organisations were done. A questionnaire was prepared that covered aspects like loss of CNICs, damaged polling stations, out migration of communities due to floods, communities severely affected during the flood were identified in each district through local contacts to conduct research, three Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and interviews of at least 6 key informants (KIIs) in each district were conducted through a structured approach. During extensive consultation in Sindh and Balochistan (FDGs, KIIs and Stakeholder consultations) that involved over 300 persons, the prominent issues highlighted that can negatively affect electoral participation were lost CNICs. A significant number of people lost their Computerised National Identity Cards (CNICs) during floods. “CNIC is a mandatory requirement for casting vote. A larger part of such people has got their cards replaced, however in many areas people were unable to get fresh CNICs,” it said. The community of village Dhani Bakhsh Samo (Naushahro Feroze reported that almost every household has at least one person who lost CNIC). Village Naseerabad of district Jaffarabad reported a large number of people who lost their NIC cards. The stakeholders shared that NADRA centres are over-crowded, Assessment of the Adverse Impacts of Floods on Electoral Participation and it is not easy to get their renewed CNICs. This was particularly reported in Naushahro Feroze district. At initial stage, NADRA initiated mobile registration facility to provide CNICs to flood affected people in remote areas. Community in Khairpur Mirs mostly expressed their satisfaction that NADRA mobile vehicles were of immense help. However, the service was discontinued after some time. People in remote areas, especially women and elderly find it challenging to get their CNICs. In Naseerabad district of Balochistan, two communities mentioned this challenge. Many flood affectees are daily wage earners and it is difficult for them to compromise their meagre income to visit NADRA centres for several days before they get their turn. The school buildings are among the most damaged public structures in the project districts. Sindh province reported approximately 40% school buildings damaged fully or partially. “Polling stations are normally established in the school buildings. The stakeholders raised concern that if polling stations are relocated to other areas, it will be very difficult for them to reach at distant locations to cast their votes. This will become more challenging if the new polling stations are located at some distance from their existing polling stations,” the Report said. Moreover, the distances will cause hardship for women, elderly, and differently abled people. Except for two communities, this issue was highlighted in all FDGs. The issue was severely reported by communities in district Naseerabad of Balochistan. With flood and rain damaged roads and increased transportation cost, relocation of polling station can negatively impact the voter turn-out. There were several rural roads and access tracks that have been washed away or badly damaged during floods. Several stakeholders told that due to damaged roads and access tracks, they will be constrained to take longer alternative routes to reach their polling stations. This will potentially have negative impact on voter turn-out if transport is not provided. This issue was echoed in all villages of all four districts in Sindh and Balochistan. Increased distances coupled by exorbitant transportation cost will discourage voters, especially women, elderly, differently abled and poor people to travel for casting their votes. The stakeholders shared that post-flood relief operation was unofficially controlled by local political elite at several places. At some of the locations stakeholders shared that relief distribution was also linked with promises of casting vote in favour of local influential. Several accidents during and after floods caused causalities in different areas. These causalities happened due to collapsed structures and accidents on flood-damaged roads. Unrepaired potholes on roads caused vehicular accidents particularly at nighttime. In some cases, injuries were so severe that caused temporary or permanent disability. In some areas stakeholders shared instances where injured people are bed-ridden or rendered immobile. These people are likely to lose right to cast their votes unless special arrangements are made to facilitate their electoral participation. The houses that were damaged in a very large number in the project districts caused significant temporary displacement of families. Most of these families have repatriated after the flood water receded.