The Punjab Safe City Authority (PSCA) has installed a unique software to trace motorcyclists travelling without helmets in the city and the authority will issue e-challans worth Rs 2,000 to violators. Using CCTV camera software, the authorities would identify helmetless motorcyclists, later they would be faced penalties, announced by Inspector General of Punjab Dr Usman Anwar on Thursday. To ensure safety during city travel, wearing helmets was crucial to avoid accidents and hefty fines, reiterated the IG. According to a spokesperson for the PSCA, the software to trace individuals riding motorcycles without helmets has been developed by the authority and after indication, they would be issued e-challans to their home addresses. Last month, over 21,000 motorcyclists were issued challans on roads for not wearing helmets, and 393 drivers under the legal age faced consequences. In response to smoke violations, 2053 vehicles were impounded while fines were also imposed on violators of lane discipline breaches, said by the spokesperson for the traffic police department.