Bollywood A-lister Saif Ali Khan has been hospitalised in the Kokilaben Hospital of Mumbai, India, after suffering injuries at the film’s set. As reported by Indian media outlets, Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was hospitalised in a hospital in Mumbai on Monday, after suffering a knee injury on the sets of his upcoming film. According to the details, Khan, who is currently filming for his next Telugu-language film ‘Devara: Part 1’, sustained an injury on his knee during the shoot and was shifted to Kokilaben Hospital. He is likely to undergo surgery there sometime soon, however, no statement has been released by his reps on the matter. Reportedly, his wife and actor Kareena Kapoor Khan is by his side at the hospital. ‘Devara: Part 1’, the first of the two-part film series, written and directed by celebrated South Indian filmmaker Koratala Siva, stars NT Rama Rao aka Jr NTR in the titular role along with Khan. The action drama also features Janhvi Kapoor and Prakash Raj in pivotal roles along with additional cast members.