The hotly-anticipated drama serial ‘Jaan-e-Jahan’, starring blockbuster pair Hamza Ali Abbasi and Ayeza Khan, finally premiered on Friday. With just one episode on air, ‘Jaan-e-Jahan’ has already smashed viewership and YouTube records; and viewers cannot get over the amazing performances of the ensemble cast, the magnificent screen presence of Abbasi, the old-school beauty of Khan, the magical cinematography, the soul-soothing OST and whatnot. Fans flocked across the social media platforms, sharing their reviews for the launching episode of ‘Jaan-e-Jahan’ and celebrating the return of ‘HamEza’. Pertinent to note that the mega-serial is all the more special for fans as it marks the comeback of heartthrob actor Hamza Ali Abbasi on the TV screens after a long hiatus and sees him reunite with his ‘Pyarey Afzal’ co-star Khan, Ayeza Khan, after a decade. Apart from the lead duo, the ensemble star cast of the serial features the likes of Nawal Saeed, Srha Asghar, Emmad Irfani, Zainab Qayyum, Haris Waheed, Savera Nadeem, Asif Raza Mir, Nausheen Shah, Mariyam Nafees, Saqib Sumeer and Noorul Hassan among others.