A-list actor Syra Yousuf absolutely stole the show with her latest black-and-white picture going viral on social media sites. Taking to her Instagram handle over the weekend, the ‘Sinf-e-Aahan’ star, Syra Yousuf treated her followers on the social site with yet another stunning picture, probably from her photoshoot for her website, which she launched in August this year. In the breathtakingly beautiful monochromatic click, the fashionista flaunted her messy yet powerful, boss babe-kinda look in a matching buttoned vest, blazer and trousers set with some dainty accessory pieces and unkempt hair. She captioned the solo picture post simply with an emoji along with makeup and photography credits to celebrity stylist Babar Zaheer and photographer Shahbaz Shazi respectively. Thousands of her fans showered their love on the post with likes and compliments. With over a decade-long career, Syra Yousuf is one of the most loved and acclaimed actors in Pakistan’s showbiz industry. Along with millions of fans in the real world, she also enjoys massive popularity across her social media handles, with at least 1.9 million followers on the social site Instagram alone. On the acting front, she has blockbuster projects like ‘Sinf-e-Aahan’, ‘Darmiyaan’, ‘Tanhaiyan Naye Silsilay’ and the feature film ‘Ho Mann Jahaan’ to her credit.