Pakistan’s leading actor, director and producer Humayun Saeed says he will change his shooting schedule whenever Mahira Khan’s wants time for her wedding. In his latest interview for a news outlet, the star actor said Mahira Khan would play the lead role in his upcoming project and he would change the film’s schedule if she announced her marriage. “Mahira Khan is getting married. What would be its effect on your upcoming movie,” the host asked. Humayun said there would be no issue at all as “I will change the shooting schedule”. People liked our chemistry in Bin Roye and the new movie with Mahira would also be a super-hit, he added. The actor also shared his thoughts on social media and its impact on his life. “My focus remains primarily on my work and less on social media. Therefore, it is not a disruption for me,” he added. Humayun Saeed also revealed that he was currently working with Sajal Aly and Yumna Zaidi on various projects. The social media was abuzz with reports of Mahira Khan’s second marriage last month but she has yet to confirm or reject it.