Pakistani actor Mahira Khan, who gained fame in India for her role as the female lead in Shah Rukh Khan’s 2017 film Raees, recently expressed her admiration for Malayalam cinema in a roundtable discussion. A clip of Mahira speaking highly of the industry has gone viral among fans in the South. In the video, Mahira can be heard encouraging her friends to explore Malayalam cinema. When someone inquires if KGF is a Malayalam film, Mahira clarifies the misconception. “No. I am not talking about Tamil and Telugu cinema. I am talking about Malayalam. You must (watch Malayalam cinema),” she adds. Suddenly, the names of Malayalam stars like Mohanlal and Prithviraj become topics of discussion in the conversation. “They make more money by selling their films to Bollywood. This is what I have understood. I don’t know. I might be wrong. But their films… the kind of ideas! their direction! their lighting! You will be surprised.” She also mentioned that she had the chance to meet Prithviraj once. Mahira, who embarked on her acting journey in 2011 with Bol, currently stands as one of Pakistan’s foremost celebrities. She has garnered immense recognition for her portrayal of Khirad Hussain in the television series Humsafar.