Recently, he made an appearance on the well-known TV show “Gup Shup,” hosted by Vasay Chaudhary. During the show, he discussed how the unexpected endings of TV shows like “Mere Paas Tum Ho” and “Pyare Afzal” triggered strong reactions from the public. He mentioned that these surprising conclusions also held him accountable in front of the audience. Reflecting on this, Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar stated, “Indeed, I witnessed intense public reactions at the cinema after the final episode of ‘Mere Paas Tum Ho.’ Some women started berating me upon watching the ending, and their husbands had to intervene to manage their angry responses. Following the conclusion of ‘Pyare Afzal,’ I recall an incident where I was on a plane. As I was organizing my belongings, an elderly woman unexpectedly tapped my back and asked, ‘Why did you kill Afzal?'” He recounted another incident, sharing, “Actually, the last episode of the drama was screened in a cinema, and after the ending, we observed two girls becoming highly emotional. At that moment, Hamza suggested that we leave the cinema to avoid agitated fans.” He went on to explain, “Well, I had Hamza Abbasi’s character killed at his request. He said to me, ‘Please kill me in the drama. I would be immortal (I would become a star).’ I liked his sentiment.”