Sir: The rigidity, intolerance and coerciveness of the Wahabi-Ahle-Hadith-Deobandi-Saudi brand of Islam is a giant step backward, not only for Islam but also for humanity. They have brought death and destruction amidst us. What they do not understand, they destroy. They have appointed themselves God. The freedom of Muslims to worship Allah in the way that is most meaningful to them is sacred and not subject to approval by any firebrand mullahs. If some Muslims feel that they do not want to do anything that the companions did not do, they have perfect freedom to abide by that rule. If other Muslims find that syncretic doctrines or poetic or mystical enrichments enhance their religious experience, it is their prerogative to practise what is meaningful to them. When will we Muslims stop busying ourselves with what others are doing ‘wrong’, and confine our ‘jihad’ to improving ourselves rather than finding faults with others? Where does it say in the Quran, “Religion means compulsion and coercion. To me my religion, and to you my religion”? GHULAM MOHIYUDDIN USA