In a recent Twitter post, renowned actor Nadia Jamil expressed her heartfelt admiration for actor Wahaj Ali, applauding his outstanding performance in the anthology, Teri Meri Kahaniyaan. Jamil highlighted Ali’s remarkable talent and the profound impact he made on the audience with his craft. Jamil began her Twitter thread by expressing her emotional reaction to the film, confessing that she shed tears during the screening. She described Ali’s appearance on the screen as a breath of fresh air, illuminating the entire hall and captivating everyone present. “Obviously, I cried at the end,” penned Jamil. “Because when he came on the screen, like a breath of fresh air transforming the entire hall.” She praised his portrayal, emphasising that it was so beautiful that she learned something from it. Jamil referred to Ali as her younger brother and commended his growth and surpassing of his previous performances. “Because his performance was so beautiful that I learned something from it. Masterful. My little has surpassed himself in Teri Meri Kahaaniyaan,” wrote the star. The actor went on to acknowledge the immense effort and dedication Ali must have put into his role, remarking on his thoughtful approach and the extensive preparation he must have undertaken. She also extended her appreciation to Nadeem Baig, the director of the Mehwish Hayat and Ali starrer in Teri Meri Kahaaniyan, for skilfully showcasing Ali’s incredible talent on the silver screen. “His performance seemed effortless, seamless, but knowing Wahaj, I know how hard he must have worked, thought, the effort and listening he must have done. Hats off to Nadeem Baig for showcasing Wahaj’s incredible talent. And a standing ovation to Wahaj for having developed his craft as an actor,” said Jamil encouragingly. Continuing further, Jamil highlighted Ali’s versatility and his ability to effortlessly convey emotions and nuances through his acting. “We knew he was good, but this was beyond good. The delicate nuances, the gentle vulnerability of his character, the sadness in his eyes, the smile in them, the questions and the mystery, around his character’s story. Wahaj uses his face masterfully but his body language is also so easy and comfortable in front of the camera that you don’t feel for a second that it’s a performance. Good actors tell the truth. Their eyes, face, body – nothing lies. They tell their character’s truth,” stated the actor. The heartfelt admiration reached its peak when Jamil recounted a personal anecdote involving Ali. She revealed that the actor had urged her to witness his final expression in the film, compelling her to rush back up the stairs to catch the moment. “Wahaj got me up to leave before the last shot, to avoid the rush, but he suddenly said, ‘Nado Api, I want you to see the last expression.’ I ran back up the stairs to catch it. Someone started whispering in my ear, ‘Oh he nailed this scene.’ ‘Shh,’ I said, wanting to focus. I watched it. She was right.” Overwhelmed by his remarkable performance, Jamil recalled being moved to tears, embracing Ali in an emotional hug while laughter intertwined with her tears. Taking about the same, Jamil recalled, “I did get emotional and gave Pakistan’s phenomenal new star a huge hug, laughing through my tears. And got that shy Wahaj grin in return.” Capping off her string of praises, she encouraged everyone to go watch her “little brother” in Teri Meri Kahaniyaan.