The popular drama serial, “Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha,” has experienced a rollercoaster journey, initially garnering immense success but later facing a decline in ratings and viewer interest due to weak plot twists. Lead actors Hania Aamir, Wahaj Ali and Zaviyar Nauman were also subjected to criticism for portraying poorly written and brainless characters. Episode 24 of the drama sparked severe public criticism, particularly regarding the meetings between Maheer and Areeb at the office and hospital. Fans rejected the episode and labeled the drama as a “Big Time Waste.” Viewers expressed their anger, feeling that they had invested their time in the show. The particular scene that generated significant backlash was the focal point of disappointment. However, the “Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha” team decided to listen to the wishes of the fans, resulting in a remarkable shift in the show’s dynamics. The release of the Episode 25 promo revived fans’ emotions, with many expressing their newfound love for the show. The promo showcased Maheer’s love for Sad and a turning point in the storyline. Fans were thrilled to witness Maheer slapping Areeb, finding it a satisfying moment. The promo instilled a ray of hope among fans, who are now hopeful for the future of the show. The upcoming Episode 25, scheduled to air on Monday at 8pm, is eagerly anticipated. The positive impact of the promo swiftly changed the mood of the fans, rekindling their love for the drama. Fans expressed their excitement and vowed to resume watching the show without any feelings of depression or stress. The chemistry between Wahaj Ali and Hania Aamir was praised by viewers, who found their romantic moments incredibly endearing. With Episode 25’s promising developments and the renewed enthusiasm of fans, “Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha” is poised for a comeback, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the upcoming episodes and hoping for a captivating and satisfying storyline ahead.