Sir: Last evening at the unscheduled power outage, my 9-year-old grandson who was preparing for his final examinations shouted, “Oh God, what should I do now?” Then, turning to me, asked innocently, “Does it also happen in Zardari and Gilani houses? How do their children prepare for examinations?” How could I tell him that it does not happen to them, neither to the assemblies and Senate members, nor to their palaces and lodges? They are the chosen people and much above the lesser mortals like us. They are not destined to suffer but it is our lot to do so. What is the point of wasting time on studying? Join politics when you grow up. Most of them are not very educated and yet they have all the educated ones at their service, to guide them how to perpetuate their rule, how to harden their grip over the unfortunate ones, and how to groom their sons and scions to take after them in the business of politics. COL (RETD) RIAZ JAFRI Rawalpindi