The popular drama serial Tere Bin has recently witnessed a dramatic twist in the storyline where Murtasim decided to leave Meera, which disappointed their fans who were rooting for the couple’s reunion. However, a short sequence featuring Murtasim and Haya has grabbed the attention of the viewers. In the particular scene, Haya asked Murtasim how she was looking, and in response, she started talking ill of Meera. Murtasim didn’t take her rant and shut her down with a fitting reply, saying, “You are looking poisonous – Bilkul Zeher Lag Rahi Ho.” This befitting response from Murtasim has been hailed by the viewers, who were eagerly waiting for him to speak up against Haya’s negative energy in the drama. The fans have been flooding social media with their reactions to this scene, and many have expressed their happiness and satisfaction with Murtasim’s reply. The fans have lauded the character’s epic reply and said that it has made their day, as they were waiting for such a moment for so long.