Bollywood music has taken the world by storm with its upbeat and groovy music. People from all over the world dance to Bollywood music and even post videos of them on social media that trend quite a lot! Hindi songs have a very electric beat to them that makes dancing to these songs quite enjoyable. Recently, an old video of a Pakistani bride dancing to Jalebi Baby has become viral. The video was first uploaded on YouTube in 2021 but the video has recently started going viral. In the video, the bride decked up in beautiful bridal attire is seen dancing to the hit song along with many other women on the dance floor. The song, ‘Jalebi Baby’ by Tesher has quite the groovy beats and hence, this video quickly went viral on all social media platforms. The video has garnered over 2.8 million views and the performance has gained the praise of many people. People were seen commenting how great their dance moves are. One user commented, “On repeat! The bride is SO beautiful and her smile is just adorable! She is radiating happiness and I love the choreo!!” Someone else said, “It’s not the dance actually, it’s the bride! She’s so much cute and her smile is much cuter that everyone’s just focused on her face and blown away?.”