Fawad Khan, a Pakistani actor, is a household name. He also serves as the best possible testimonial for a given product. The Muala Jutt actor and Mikaal Zulfiqar, another actor, were in Toronto, Canada for a charity event. The stadium was completely filled with Fawad Khan supporters. They came to support their preferred actor in spite of the bitterly cold weather. During the charity event, a replica of Maula Jatt’s Gandasa was auctioned off for a whopping $50,000, and our very own Maula Jatt aka Fawad Khan handed it over to the generous Pakistani. After “The Legend of Maula Jatt” became Pakistan’s biggest film, Maula Jatt, and his Gandasa once again have a dedicated fan following. It was a weapon loved in Sultan Rahi’s era and now it has made new fans in this generation after Fawad Khan wielded it. Check out the pictures and reels: View this post on Instagram A post shared by afiablogs (@afiablogs) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Something Haute (@somethinghauteofficial) Pakistanis are a very generous nation and nothing can stop them from donating and doing whatever is in their power. It merits here to mention that the proceeds will go to Sahara For Life, a trust that focused on providing healthcare to cancer patients and education to all.