Punjab Governor Baligh ur Rehman on Thursday challenged the decision of the single bench of the Lahore High Court (LHC) related to the announcement of date of elections. The appeal was filed by Advocate Shehzad Shaukat on behalf of the governor. The intra-court appeal was filed seeks interpretation of the single bench judgment, which ordered the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to consult the governor regarding the elections date. It also calls for scrapping the paragraph from the verdict which warrants for consultation between the governor and the poll body. The petitioner argued that the governor has no constitutional authority in this matter. The petition also highlighted that Baligh ur Rehman did not sign the summary of the dissolution of the assembly. Therefore, the governor cannot be involved in deciding the polls date. The court issued notices to the ECP and others including the attorney general of Pakistan (AGP) and advocate general for assisting the court.