Kangana Ranaut is leaving no stone unturned in giving her best to her second directorial `Emergency`. Now, the Queen actor is going to direct her acting guru Arvind Gaur in the upcoming movie. Taking to her Instagram stories, Kangana dropped a picture with her guru along with a caption. She wrote, Today I have the great fortune of directing my acting guru @arvindgaur ji who mentored me at the age of 16. I requested sir for a cameo in my directorial Emergency and here is he with me.”She also shared another post introducing her guru. She stated, “Arvind is a great theatre director…directing the director today.” In the picture, Kangana is seen in a white chikankari suit holding her guru`s hand and having a conversation. Kangana has been working non-stop on the film. In fact, she worked despite suffering from dengue a few weeks ago.`Emergency` revolves around the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and it features Kangana in the titular role of the late politician. Talking about donning the directorial hat for the second time, Kangana said, “My last directorial was Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi and I got an encouraging response from the audience as it was a blockbuster. I was tempted to direct another film but I had many acting assignments to complete. I do believe that I know the pulse of the audience from my interviews, my quotes and the terms that I have coined are now part of pop culture. I do believe that the audience is looking for something which will stimulate their intellectual side and not just their sensual side.” Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhry and Shreyas Talpade are also a part of the film.Kangana will also be seen in Sarvesh Mewara`s directorial `Tejas`, the film will feature Ranaut in the role of an Air Force Pilot. The official release date of the film is still awaited.