Shahrukh Khan is currently in quarantine after contracting coronavirus on June 5. However, this has not stopped him from supporting his wife Gauri Khan on her latest venture. Lately, Gauri has announced on social media that she is going to conduct master classes for interior design and décor courses, especially for beginners. To this, King Khan had a sweet reaction toward his wife that actually melted everyone’s hearts. On Tuesday, the Don actor’s better half turned to Instagram and posted a video in which she could be seen wearing a pink pantsuit while sharing details about The Designers Class and everything related to the class. In the caption, Gauri wrote, “A sneak peek into my class on residential design @thedesignersclass. Learn the tips and tricks of residential design and get exclusive tips and tricks from me.” As soon as this video was up on IG, the Chennai Express star was among the first ones to drop a comment on the post. He wrote, “I think I will sign up for this….get my study to look better!!” SRK fans were ecstatic to see the adorable reaction of the actor to his wife and could not stop gushing. A fan commented, “Lovely husband always his heart by her side.” Meanwhile, a few expressed their concerns regarding his health and said, “Stay healthy king” and “Praying for your speedy recovery”.